
5 months

February 19th marked Jack's 5 month birthday.  No doctor's appt. this month, but by our measurements he weighs 15 lbs. and is 27 in. long.

What a great age!  He can do so much already:
Standing for long periods of time (with help)
Sitting up if supported by mom or the boppy pillow (can sit on his own for a few seconds)
Rolling over both ways!!!
Started scooting (very slowly) this month!
Grabbing anything and everything he can get his hands on.
Playing in his exersaucer, on his playmat, and with any toys we give him.
Laughing a lot! (especially when he's tired)
Sleeping through the night! Yeah!
Taking 2 full naps during the day ... and usually a catnap before bed.
Eating about every 4-5 hrs.
Eating a little rice cereal before bed (definitely getting interested in our food)
And he even knows his name (at least we think he does).

Here are a few pictures of our happy, active, little 5 month old ...

1 comment:

Jess said...

5 months!! I can't wait until he's mobile!!