
4 months

Our little guy is 4 months old already! We are so blessed to have such a happy, sweet, little boy!

At his 4 month check-up he weighed 14 lbs (45%)
and 26 in. long (75%).
He's really growing and doing very well developmentally.

At 4 months, Jack can:
Giggle (especially when we tickle his neck)
Grab toys--switch them from hand to hand
Put things in his mouth--which is usually accompanied by lots of drool!
Roll from his tummy to his back
Hold his head really well
Sleep through the night! (Well, at least he has the past 3 nights in a row!!!)
Eat about 7 oz. every 4 hrs. or so, and nap really well during the day
Splash in the bath!
Smile and talk to his mommy and daddy--he definitely knows us

He thinks he's big stuff sitting in his bumbo seat!

He loves sitting in his walker--notice how he grabs his toys and they go straight to his mouth!
So close to rolling from his back to his tummy!

 Look at how good I can hold my head when I'm on my tummy!
Always smiling! He's got to be the world's happiest baby!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Precious little boy.
Grandma & Grandpa L